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Mike recovers maximum dollars on behalf of his clients.  His track record and personalized comprehensive approach means that he achieves the highest possible benefits for injured workers. He is one of only a few certified specialists in Worker’s Compensation Law, and he uses his knowledge to get the best case values for his clients.

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    Lancaster PA Workers' Compensation Law Blog

    Loss of Limb and Workers’ Compensation

    In the state of Pennsylvania, when you have suffered an injury or illness at work you are generally entitled to workers’ compensation. This benefit provides reimbursement for medical expenses, as well as a portion of the salary that you lose as a result of having to spend time out of work for recuperation and recovery. In some instances, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act has established very specific compensation amounts based on suffering particular losses. Among these pre-established specific losses, awards are those that have been set aside for the loss of a body part. If you have been injured and…

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    Healthcare Workers and Workers’ Compensation Accidents

    Though many people would assume that people who work in settings such as construction sites or manufacturing facilities are at the highest risk for worksite accidents, the truth is that it is the people who work in the healthcare and social assistance industry that are exposed to the most serious safety and health hazards. Though some of their risks come from illness, there is also a high risk for healthcare workers to be involved in workers’ compensation accidents for which they need to seek benefits. If you are a healthcare worker who has been injured on the job and you…

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    Partial and Permanent Disability Claims

    In the state of Pennsylvania, an employee who suffers a workplace injury is entitled to a number of different benefits from workers’ compensation. Generally speaking, these benefits are broken down into two major categories – medical bills and lost wages. The medical expenses that are covered can include out-of-pocket expenses for doctor visits, surgery, hospital expenses, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and other medications, prostheses, orthopedic devices, physical therapy, and medical supplies. If, in addition to requiring medical care, your injury prevents you from fulfilling your normal job responsibilities or from returning to work, it can also provide a replacement of…

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    Common Workers’ Compensation Concerns

    Workers’ compensation is a form of no-fault insurance that became law in Pennsylvania over 100 years ago. It provides a safety net for workers who are injured on the job while assuring employers that they won’t be vulnerable to personal injury lawsuits. It provides compensation for medical expenses, as well as partial coverage for wages lost while out of work due to the injury, and as such it is an important benefit – yet one that few workers give any thought to until they are injured and actually need it. At Vanasse Law, we are here to help answer any…

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    Farm Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

    When people suffer an injury on the job, they are generally entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim to get reimbursed for their medical expenses and a portion of the wages that they lose if they need to miss work for treatment, recovery, or rehabilitation. Injuries can occur in nearly any kind of work environment, whether an office, a construction site, a retail setting, or elsewhere, but one of the job settings that puts workers most at risk is the farm. No matter what the job title or responsibilities, the potential for injury exists. Farm workers often work with animals…

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    Steps to Begin Filing for Workers’ Compensation

    Workers’ compensation is available to workers who have suffered any injury, or any other kind of medical condition that was caused by their job. It doesn’t really matter what kind of injury it is, or even whose fault it was that the worker was injured. It doesn’t even matter if you the condition existed before if it was made worse by the job. What matters is that you can show that it was job related, and that you take the right steps when filing for the benefit. At the Lancaster workers’ compensation firm of Vanasse Law, we are committed to…

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    Common Back Injuries at Work

    Anybody who has ever injured their back knows that the pain of a back injury can be excruciating. If you are suffering from the spasms and misery of a back injury that occurred on the job, you may feel like you’re all alone, but in fact you’re in very good and expansive company – back injuries are the second most common injury that happens in the workplace. Workplace back injuries can range from minor to crippling, and can be the result of overexertion or overextension, a fall, or even sitting in an unhealthy position for an extended period of time….

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    Causes of Heart-Related Injuries on the Job

    There are some injuries and work-related illnesses that are clear-cut and rarely questioned. These include accidents that occur in the workplace and exposures to chemicals and toxins that are present in the workplace. Unfortunately, other medical conditions are not as straightforward, and workers who suffer these illnesses or injuries are rightly concerned about whether their workers’ compensation claim will be accepted. High on this list is heart attacks suffered by workers. Though to the ill employee there may be no question that their heart condition or heart attack is a result of work-related stress, employers and their insurance companies are…

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    Police and Firefighter Injuries – How a Lancaster Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help

    Every single day that they head off to work, police officers and firefighters put their lives and well-being on the line. Day in and day out, firefighters and police officers are exposed to traumatic situations that put them in harm’s way. They take on their role with courage, bravery, and commitment to the communities that they serve, and unfortunately their efforts often result in injuries. In the state of Pennsylvania, when these public servants are injured or sickened on the job, they are covered under the same workers’ compensation policy that almost every other worker in the state is. They…

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    Spinal Cord Injuries on the Job- What Steps to Take

    No matter how a spinal cord injury occurs, its impact can be long lasting and life changing. The expenses involved in treating a spinal cord injury can quickly climb to mind-numbing levels, and the pain and disability that follows can leave you unable to continue working. If you or someone you love has suffered a spinal cord injury on the job, then you are likely to be entitled to both compensation for any wages that you lose, and for compensation for your medical expenses. There are specific steps that you need to take in order to preserve your ability to…

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