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    Archive for April, 2021

    Tips for Preventing Workplace Injuries

    Workplace injuries are far too common, considering how preventable most of them are. Throughout the day, some workers think about things that have nothing to do with work, such as what they’re doing after work, how many hours they have left to work that day, their weekend plans, or, quite commonly, how they’re not getting paid enough in this economy. But that’s just human nature.

    If you have been injured or suffered illness on the job in Pennsylvania, let the Lancaster hurt at work lawyers at Vanasse Law LLC help you recover what you’re entitled to under Pennsylvania workers’ comp laws.

    Common Workplace Injuries

    Both employers and employees have a vested interest in preventing workplace injuries. To accomplish this, it’s good to know what to look out for. Some of the most common workplace injuries/illnesses include:

    • Slips, trips, and falls
    • Falling objects 
    • Repetitive strain injuries from repetitive motions 
    • Crashes and collisions 
    • Cuts and lacerations
    • Strained muscles
    • Mental trauma like anxiety or depression

    How to Avoid Common Workplace Injuries

    The best way to avoid the costs and resources necessary to deal with workplace injuries is to avoid them altogether. Some simple steps you can take to prevent workplace injuries include:

    • Remain Alert. Stay alert while you’re performing your job duties so that you can increase your productivity and avoid being hurt or causing harm to others.
    • Be an Active Listener. Listen and participate in emergency drills so that you’ll instinctively know how to act in the event of an actual emergency.
    • Follow the Safety Program. Safety programs at your workplace are implemented for a reason, and that is to keep you and your co-workers safe. Adherence to safety programs is almost always mandatory.
    • Be Aware. Be aware of possible causes of accidents so that management can address these issues and prevent injuries before they have a chance of actually happening.
    • Communicate. Actively communicate with your supervisor about the possible risks inherent in certain tasks if you feel they may be dangerous.
    • Know Your Limitations. You may enjoy the challenge of a particular job that you’re unfamiliar with, but taking a high-risk position that you haven’t been trained for is quite dangerous to yourself and others.
    • Observe the Post Signs. Safety awareness signs are often posted in the workplace to help prevent injuries. Don’t simply ignore them.
    • Be Safe Rather Than Sorry. Don’t do anything that puts your safety and the safety of others at risk, even if others may scoff. It’s better to appear timid and safe than reckless and injured.
    • Adhere to the Dress Code. Dress codes in the workplace are often as much about safety as they are about professional appearance. Always wear the appropriate safety uniform and other required protective equipment when you’re working for your own safety as much as anything.
    • Ask Questions. When you are unsure about how to proceed concerning some task, ask questions until you understand.

    Contact the Lancaster Hurt at Work Lawyers for More Information About Avoiding Workplace Injuries

    Injuries at work are, to a certain extent, unavoidable. However, they can be drastically reduced in terms of numbers and seriousness by following the workplace safety tips described above. If you’ve been injured at work, contact the Lancaster hurt at work lawyers at Vanasse Law LLC for a same-day response.

    About Workplace-Related Mental Injuries

    Although the Workers’ Compensation Act language indicates that psychological or mental work injuries are compensable, different states interpret the language differently — some more strictly than others. In the strict interpretation states, mental injuries like stress and anxiety are not compensated for. However, Pennsylvania is more progressive than many other states regarding mental injury claims. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry describes when and what type of mental injuries are compensable under Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp laws.

    If you have suffered a mental injury on the job in Pennsylvania, let a Lancaster work injury lawyer at Vanasse Law LLC help you recover your rightful financial compensation.

    Mental Injury Claims in Pennsylvania

    If you have suffered a work-related mental injury in Pennsylvania, your claim will likely be categorized as follows: 

    • Physical-Mental Injury: A mental injury that is a result of a physical event is known as a physical-mental injury. For example, if you have suffered a work-related injury caused by using a particular piece of machinery, using that machinery again may create anxiety or fear to the extent that you cannot effectively do your job.
    • Mental-Physical Injury: Mental distress or anxiety can also result in physical injuries. For example, If there is an aspect of your job that is so important that failure to perform it would result in termination, the resulting anxiety and stress may affect you physically in the form of, for example, severe or migraine headaches, ulcers, or even heart attacks.
    • Mental-Mental Injury: Pennsylvania is one of the more progressive states that recognizes mental-mental injuries for worker’s compensation purposes. A mental-mental injury is an injury that develops due to some psychological trauma experienced in the workplace. For example, say the market where you work was robbed or there was a shooting incident or an explosion that occurred at your workplace. These types of incidents can cause serious anxiety or depression, especially if you feel that your life has been endangered.

    Who Can Claim Mental Injury in Pennsylvania?

    In Pennsylvania, any individual or business employing more than one person is required to participate in the Pennsylvania workers’ comp system. So, most workers are eligible for mental injury claims.

    However, unless there is a physical injury that directly causes a mental injury, injured workers may be required to prove that the mental injury resulted from an “abnormal” working condition. This may be difficult to prove, and you’ll need the help of a Lancaster work injury lawyer at Vanasse Law LLC to maximize your chances of recovering compensation in these types of difficult situations. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of mental illnesses may be hard to detect, but their effect on workers can be just as serious as physical injuries.

    Let a Lancaster Work Injury Lawyer Help With Your Mental Injury Claim in Pennsylvania

    Mental injuries can be every bit as serious as physical injuries. Nonetheless, they can be problematic if workers’ comp claims for these injuries are challenged. If you’ve suffered any type of mental injury at work, contact a Lancaster work injury lawyer at Vanasse Law LLC for a same-day response.