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Mike recovers maximum dollars on behalf of his clients.  His track record and personalized comprehensive approach means that he achieves the highest possible benefits for injured workers. He is one of only a few certified specialists in Worker’s Compensation Law, and he uses his knowledge to get the best case values for his clients.

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    Lancaster PA Workers' Compensation Law Blog

    A Lancaster Work Injury Lawyer Discusses Compartment Syndrome and Workers’ Comp

    The Mayo Clinic defines chronic exertional compartment syndrome as “a…muscle and nerve condition that causes pain, swelling and sometimes disability in the affected muscles of the legs or arms.” Again according to the Mayo Clinic, the signs and symptoms may include: Aching, burning or cramping pain in a compartment of the affected limb Tightness in the affected limb Numbness or tingling in the affected limb Weakness of the affected limb Foot drop, in severe cases, if legs are affected Occasionally, swelling or bulging as a result of a muscle hernia Pain caused by chronic exertional compartment syndrome typically follows this…

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    How to Prevent Deadly Scaffolding Accidents

    A large number of Pennsylvania residents work with scaffolding every day, most commonly in construction jobs or other building sites. If you are one of these workers, you know that scaffolding presents serious risks to workers. Many serious injuries and fatal accidents are caused by scaffold falls. If you have suffered an injury at work in Pennsylvania due to faulty scaffolding, let a Lancaster workplace injury lawyer help with your workers’ comp claim so that your employer or their workers’ comp insurance company doesn’t talk you into an undervalued settlement of your claim. OSHA Guidelines Due to the inherent dangers…

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    Are Total Knee Replacements Used Too Often?

    According to the Center’s Orthopedic & Neurological Care & Research: By 2030, total knee replacement surgeries are projected to grow 673% to 3.5 million procedures per year About 60% of all knee replacement operations are performed on women Approximately 85% of knee replacements will last for 20 years Nearly half of American adults will develop knee osteoarthritis in at least one knee in their lifetime 80% of osteoarthritis patients have some degree of movement limitation More than 90% of people who have knee replacement surgery experience a dramatic reduction in knee pain If you have suffered from an injury at…

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    Employer Responsibility for Job Availability Under Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Law

    Many states have seen the gradual erosion of workers’ comp benefits in favor of employers and their workers’ comp insurance carriers. In Pennsylvania, one of the mechanisms available to employers or their insurance companies is to “modify;” in other words, reduce workers’ comp benefits through the Labor Market Survey (LMS), also known as the “Earning Power Assessment” (EPS).  If you have suffered from an injury at work in Pennsylvania, a Lancaster workers comp lawyer will help you recover the maximum benefits allowed by law. This is particularly important as laws change or benefits are reduced, in that understanding your rights…

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    How Can I Help Prevent Scaffolding and Ladder Accidents at Work?

    Scaffolding, also known as staging, is a temporary metal structure used to provide a platform for a work crew to perform its work at heights that are too high to work on from the floor. It can be a supporting structure made of poles, frames, or platforms that are suspended from above. Because scaffolds are high up by their very nature, they are also inherently dangerous. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 2.3 million construction workers, or 65% of the U.S. construction workforce, work on scaffolds. With numbers this high, scaffold and ladder-related accidents are, for…

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    Trench Collapses, Excavation Accidents and How to Prevent Them

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHAs) regulations regarding trenching and excavations have made getting rid of potential and actual trench and excavation hazards on construction sites a top priority. Trench collapses and subsequent cave-ins pose a great risk to trench workers’ lives. That said, it is important for workers to know and understand their rights under the law. Some typical ways to prevent cave-ins include: Sloping or benching trench walls Shoring trench walls with supports Shielding trench walls with trench boxes Employers should also provide safe ways to enter and exit. Additionally, all workers should be on constant lookout…

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    How Does the Attorney-Client Relationship Affect My Claim?

    The attorney-client relationship may refer to all manner of issues involved when a client hires an attorney for legal services. However, one particular aspect, often referred to as the attorney-client privilege, refers to a specific legal privilege that keeps confidential communications between an attorney and a client private. The privilege may be asserted in response to a legal demand for information, most commonly a discovery request, for certain communications meant to be private. The privilege may even be invoked, under certain circumstances, to potential client communications. If you have been injured at work in Pennsylvania, let a Lancaster job injury…

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    What is the Burden of Proof and How Does it Affect My Workers’ Comp Claim?

    Generally speaking, the “burden of proof” actually encompasses two types of standards: (1) the burden of production, and (2) the burden of persuasion. The burden of production refers to a party’s obligation to provide sufficient evidence to support the party’s claim. Typically, the burden of production lies initially with plaintiffs; i.e., plaintiffs must prove their case with sufficient evidence. If plaintiffs meet this burden, then the burden of production typically shifts to defendants to rebut plaintiffs’ evidence with their own evidence. The burden of persuasion refers to how convincingly parties must be in proving their case. In civil cases, parties…

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    PA Workers’ Comp: Who is Considered an Employee for Purposes of Benefits?

    Due to the potential financial ramifications, ordinary working people in Pennsylvania often ask whether they are considered “employees” under Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp laws. This is a good and important question that our Lancaster workers’ comp lawyer will answer below. However, the answer is best given in context, and a brief overview of Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp laws can help with that. In any event, if you have suffered a work-related injury in Pennsylvania, let a Lancaster workers’ comp lawyer help you be sure you’re receiving maximum compensation for your work-related injuries. Workers’ Comp in Pennsylvania Workers’ comp in Pennsylvania can be…

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    Employer Responsibilities for Workers’ Comp in Pennsylvania

    In Pennsylvania, like most states, most non-exempt employers are required to provide workers’ comp coverage for their workers so that in the event of a work-related injury or illness, the employees can recover medical expenses, lost wages, and disability. To meet this requirement, employers may either purchase workers’ comp insurance or obtain approval to self-insure. Nonetheless, the system works only if everyone does what they’re supposed to do. If the employer fails to hold up its end of the bargain, a worker may find himself unable to recover from Pennsylvania workplace injuries. This breaks the relationship between employee and employer,…

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