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Mike recovers maximum dollars on behalf of his clients.  His track record and personalized comprehensive approach means that he achieves the highest possible benefits for injured workers. He is one of only a few certified specialists in Worker’s Compensation Law, and he uses his knowledge to get the best case values for his clients.

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    Lancaster PA Workers' Compensation Law Blog

    Tips for Preventing Workplace Injuries

    Workplace injuries are far too common, considering how preventable most of them are. Throughout the day, some workers think about things that have nothing to do with work, such as what they’re doing after work, how many hours they have left to work that day, their weekend plans, or, quite commonly, how they’re not getting paid enough in this economy. But that’s just human nature. If you have been injured or suffered illness on the job in Pennsylvania, let the Lancaster hurt at work lawyers at Vanasse Law LLC help you recover what you’re entitled to under Pennsylvania workers’ comp…

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    About Workplace-Related Mental Injuries

    Although the Workers’ Compensation Act language indicates that psychological or mental work injuries are compensable, different states interpret the language differently — some more strictly than others. In the strict interpretation states, mental injuries like stress and anxiety are not compensated for. However, Pennsylvania is more progressive than many other states regarding mental injury claims. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry describes when and what type of mental injuries are compensable under Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp laws. If you have suffered a mental injury on the job in Pennsylvania, let a Lancaster work injury lawyer at Vanasse Law LLC help…

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    Will Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Offer Me a Settlement?

    In Pennsylvania, if you have been injured on the job or suffered an illness due to your job, you are eligible for workers’ comp benefits. At some point, the workers’ comp insurance company will likely approach you about a settlement. Sometimes, a settlement is in your best interest. You may want to accept a fair lump sum to avoid the time and nuisance of the workers’ comp process. However, before you settle your claim, you should understand what rights you are giving up. If you have been injured or suffered illness on the job in Pennsylvania, let a Lancaster job…

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    Workers’ Comp Exemptions in Pennsylvania

    In Pennsylvania, most employers are required to obtain workers’ comp insurance for their employees to ensure that injured workers receive compensation for medical expenses and wage loss. The good news for workers is that they are not required to show that their employer was responsible for their injuries through negligence. If they are hurt at work, they receive the benefits. The bad news is that these workers’ comp benefits are employees’ only revenue for compensation. So, they are not allowed to sue their employer for the injuries, even if the employer was at fault. If you have been injured on…

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    About Work-Related Illnesses

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “an ‘occupational disease’ is any disease contracted primarily as a result of…exposure to risk factors arising from work activity. ‘Work-related diseases’ have multiple causes, where factors in the work environment may play a role, together with other risk factors, in the development of such diseases.” Discussion of workers’ comp issues revolves around work-related injuries, but work-related illnesses can be just as dangerous and arguably more damaging in the long run. Furthermore, work-related illnesses can be harder to prove than a bodily injury claim. This is why it is a good idea to contact…

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    What Happens to My Workers’ Comp Claim if I Lose My Job?

    If you are a worker in Pennsylvania with a serious job-related injury or illness, you’ve likely considered this question: “What happens to my workers’ comp benefits if I lose my job?” The good news is, employers cannot retaliate against an employee for filing a workers’ comp claim. In other words, you cannot be fired for simply filing a workers’ comp claim. However, there may be other circumstances under which you may lose your workers’ comp benefits, and the rules are complicated. If you are receiving workers’ comp benefits and lose your job for any reason, contact a Lancaster job injury…

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    Avoiding Workers’ Comp Claim Denials

    Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (the “ACT”), most workers are eligible for workers’ comp benefits to help pay for their work-related injury or illness, including compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. However, employers may deny workers’ comp claims for many reasons. The trick is to avoid giving your employer any reason to deny your claim. Let a Lancaster workers comp lawyer at Vanasse Law LLC help. The Most Common Reasons for Denial To avoid the pitfalls of fighting through a denied claim, you should be aware of the most common reasons for denials. Such reasons include: The Injury…

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    Are Your Injuries Covered By Workers’ Compensation?

    In most cases, when an employee is injured on the job or develops an occupational illness, it is considered a workers’ comp injury that is eligible for a workers’ comp claim. For help regarding work-related injuries and illnesses, contact a Lancaster job accident lawyer at Vanasse Law LLC. If the claim is approved, the employee can receive medical coverage, wage replacement, and other benefits as compensation for the injury. However, to access these benefits, both the employee and employer must follow certain steps to ensure the benefits are distributed. Workers’ comp protects employees in that they do not have to…

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    MMI: What Does It Mean and When Is it Determined?

    Every state provides for “workers’ compensation,” otherwise known as “worker’s comp” or “workers’ comp insurance” for workers who are injured on the job. Workers’ comp insurance works like this: employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses receive workers’ comp benefits for things like medical expenses and lost wages.  The trade-off is that these workers’ comp benefits are the sole remedy for these employees. In most cases, they cannot sue their employer for these injuries, even if the employer was at fault.  If you have been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, let a Lancaster workplace accident attorney help you with…

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    Do I Lose My Workers’ Comp If I’m Laid Off?

    If you’re on workers’ comp, you’re already feeling the stress of providing for your family, are likely in some amount of pain, and possibly having trouble merely making it to all of your medical appointments. On top of this, you may be concerned about your company, as thousands of businesses are cutting back or simply going under. What happens to your workers’ comp if your business files for bankruptcy or simply shuts its doors? If you have been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, and you fear for your company’s long-term viability, let a Lancaster workers comp lawyer help you…

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