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On behalf of Michael Vanasse at Vanasse Law LLC
According to a new study in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, nearly one in 10 people worldwide suffer from low back pain. Many of the causes of low back pain stem from work – nursing, construction and factory work are all high-risk fields for back injury, for example. Even office work can cause or exacerbate low back pain, especially if office chairs and work stations are not ergonomically designed. As the world population ages, the authors of the study speculated that lower back pain will continue to be a large cause of disability worldwide.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on low back pain. Back injury is also the leading contributor to missed work in the U.S. According to the authors of the study, one-third of all work-related disability was related to low back pain.
The back, comprised of an intricate network of bones, muscle and tissues. Work that involves repetition, awkward postures or requires the use of force can cause sprained ligaments and ruptured disks, to list only a few common back ailments.
Unfortunately, even relatively minor back injuries can cause excruciating pain. Muscle spasms in the lower back can cause enough pain to make walking and standing difficult, let alone perform work.
Workers’ compensation
Not surprisingly, back injuries are among the most common workers’ compensation claims. While the pain and physical limitations of back pain are well-known, back pain can provide certain difficulties in a workers’ compensation claim. Proving pain is difficult, as many doctors diagnose pain according to a patient’s self-reported pain level.
It can also be difficult to diagnose the cause of a back injury. Back pain can be caused or exacerbated by being overweight, having bad posture or by lifting heavy objects incorrectly, for example. This can make it difficult for someone injured at work point to a specific injury that occurred at work. “For the majority of people with low back pain, the specific cause is unclear,” noted Damian Hoy, a senior research fellow at the University of Queensland’s School of Population Health, who was the lead author of the study.
Often a back injury will linger because the person suffering from back pain believes it is only a minor injury. However, untreated back injuries can get worse over time, especially if the work activity that caused the injury continues.
People who suffered a back injury at work may be able to obtain help with medical expenses and lost wages through workers compensation. People with a back injury who are unable to perform their job should immediately contact a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss their legal options.